The 7th Advanced Architecture Contest was organized by The Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia and is part of Knowledge Alliance for Advanced Urbanism - KAAU project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
The contest counted with more than 200 proposals from 96 countries. They were evaluated by the following jury members:
- Silvia Brandi, Architect. IaaC Academic Coordinator.
- Lucas Cappelli, Architect. Director of the Advanced Architecture Contest.
- Andrea Caridi, DARTS
- Àfrica Sabé Dausà, Santa & Cole
- Tomas Diez, Director FabLab Barcelona.
- Dennis Dollens, Studio Exodesic
- Luís Falcón, InAtlas
- Chiara Farinea, IAAC Head of European Projects
- Manuel Gausa, UNIGE
- Vicente Guallart, Founder & Principal | Guallart Architects.
- Marité Guevara, Ersilia
- Mariina Hallikainen, Colossal Order
- Davina Jackson, Goldsmiths, University of London
- Lydia Kallipoliti, EcoRedux / Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
- Xavier De Kestelier, Hassel
- Areti Markopoulou, Architect. IaaC R&D Director.
- Tanner Merkeley, OMA
- Willy Muller, Architect. Intelligent Cities Research Studio Professor, IaaC.
- Elodie Nourrigat, ENSAM
- Ethel Baraona Pohl, dpr-barcelona
- Philippe Rahm, EPFL/FAS
- Judith Sykes, Useful Simple Projects
- Andreu Ulied, MCRIT
- Tomas Vivando, co-Director Fab Lab Santiago and Distributed Design / Professor Design School PUC
Each juror has selected a first, second, and third prize, and honourable mentions in some cases.
The jury has decided to award the following contestants:
The first prize has been awarded to the project "The Aerial Way" designed by Alejandro Carrasco, Eduardo Cilleruelo (Spain)
The Aerial Way addresses the impending urban mobility issues in the context of Sao Paulo, proposing innovative transport and smart management systems accessible to all. The project organises a new logistic “layer” suspended above the city following real time data flows. This responsive mobility system allows to free space for public engagement, as well as resolving issues related to disconnectivity in the urban fabric.
The second prize is for the project "Variable Volume", designed by Nikitaras Antonis (Greece)
Variable Volume is a responsive solution towards adaptive public space for citizens. The project proposes dynamic spatial configurations informed by behavioural data of the users. Variable Volume modifies its spatial formation, thanks to a cable system and creates multiple layers of public space, following real time data of environmental conditions and user needs.
The third prize is for the project "Second Nature" by Muhsen Dana, Robyn Houghton (USA)
Second Nature addresses urban air pollution, creating a responsive air purification system. The project is based on tree-like structures, each developed with 3D printed recycled plastic elements, and then coated with photocatalytic layer allowing chemical reactions to neutralize pollutants. Moreover the system creates a new environmental context, enhancing urban biodiversity.
The jury has agreed to give 3 honourable mentions to the following proposals
"Landscape of Production" designed by Engelsman Brad (US)
"Responsive Street" designed by Le Cléac'h Hermine (France)
"New Gastronomy" designed by Maria Mas y Alejandro Quinto (Spain)
The jury would like to thank the effort carried out by all contestants and encourages the development of ideas which transform cities into more responsive and stimulating environments for the human life.